Who We Are

TCF e. V. is a federation of organisations, projects, civic entrepreneurs, auditors and public interest advisors. Our members are from around the globe, from Taiwan to the U.S. We manage and exchange knowledge efficiently, make decisions sociocratically, take advantage of high-tech, sophisticated social functions, and swarm intelligence to bring about systemic change in communities we serve.
TCF e. V. is culturally diverse, ambitious, and efficient and always welcoming to dedicated members.

Core values & systems:
Constitution v2.1 | Code of Conduct | Accommodation and Compensation | Organigram | Task board

We are a registered non-profit and non-governmental organisation under. Our registration number is VR725308 and our registrar is District Court of Stuttgart.

Meet Part Of The Team

Shankhu Toppo

Documentary filmmaker and indigenous rights activist in India and beyond promoting the use of media by the marginalised to raise their voice against the injustice around them. Shankhu is a spokesperson of TCF e. V.

Najme Taghinejad

English teacher and graphic designer in Malaysia, advocates for the transformative power of education and creativity. She believes effective communication is key to a brighter future.

Nick Chang

Social entrepreneur and humane technologist in Taiwan building a civic platform (CiviCue) aligned with SDG 11 and “tech for good”. 

Marlene Neumann

Social scientist in Germany in the field of migration studies, believes in the power of collaboration and positive change, spokesperson of TCF e. V.

Arman Torkzaban

Software engineer and participatory social justice activist based in Germany. Works at the IT department and is a spokesperson of TCF e. V.

Payam Farajiani

Engineering researcher, studying and working to develop cool robots and interesting IoT solutions. My interests include topics in computer programming, physics and aerospace engineering. 

Amir Hashemi

Information Security Officer and certified ISO 27001 Lead Implementer. My interests lie in assisting individuals and organisations in maintaining the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of their information.

Ameen Soleimani

Ameen is a blockchain software engineer & entrepreneur, the cofounder of several projects, including crypto payments, DAOs, stablecoins, privacy tools, and investment clubs. Ameen is the co-founder of IranUnchained, a blockchain-based NGO to deliver financial aid to Iranians inside Iran using cryptocurrency while being compliant with OFAC sanctions laws.  The group raised & donated $100K+ through IranUnchained towards humanitarian aid, internet infrastructure, and pro-democracy efforts

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