Tuesday 21. Jan 2025
As we make progress with reverse-engineering NID card we received a grant of $10K on 15th January 2025 to engage more professionals.
Also we have submitted two proposals to granting organisations for additional funding. We will update here soon.
Monday 28. Oct 2024
As we previously announced, at Transnational Community Federation and in alliance with our partners we develop the digital democracy platform Iranians.vote.
To provide digital democratic services to more than 60 million Iranians we work on eNID (Iran’s Smart National ID Card).
With the ongoing conflic in mind we came to the conclusion that we should cooperate with other stakeholders to accelerate offering the alternative.
Below is our first step:
Please leave your comments.
Tuesday 13. Augsut 2024
Today we shut down Iranians.vote’s server and unpublish the app on Google Play to save resources. We consider the effort a successful minimum viable product which served the purpose. Our next release will be CivicCompass, a general survey tool.
Wednesday 3. July 2024
We would like to announce the conclusion of our joint legal investigation together with the Digital Freedom Act for Iran Coalition (archived). This effort was about legally protesting the lifting of the sanctions against Abr Arvan (2024/1033) and intervention in the case T-23/23 25 at European Court of Justice on behalf of the families of the November 2019 Massacre in Iran. For the full report head over to the following link and request for access: https://digitalfreedomact.org/reports/ (archived)
We will of course not stop here and keep working until justice is served and Iranians’ digital rights are legally respected in the EU. Our actitivies involve informing EU parliamentarians and public opinion through bulletins and advocay. Do let us know if you would like to join!
Thusday 27. June 2024
Together with IranUnchained, Rarimo and Freedom Tool teams we will launch Iranians.vote zero-knowledge proof voting system for Iranians to cast their vote of no confidence parallel to the 2024 islamic state’s presidential “election”.
Press releases: English here | Persian here
Tuesday 30 April 2024
Today we unveil “Iran Political Action Calendar” a tool to synchronise global political actions by Iranians, targeting influence over local politics and media. This public Google calendar supports our collective endeavour to advocate for democracy and human rights, inspired by the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement. By aligning our efforts worldwide, we can effectively advocate and raise awareness to shape public opinion and policy in support of a free Iran. In this calendar we will list events such as demonstrations, advocacy meetings, and media campaigns, offering everyone a chance to participate and coordinate.
Join us in this crucial effort—visit the calendar, participate in events, and help amplify our voice. Together, we can impact change and promote freedom for Iran.
For details on how to access and contribute, please write to Iran at transcf dot org. You can find the the calendar: here.
Thursday 25 April 2024
While there have been some movements in the European Parliament with respect to pressuring the regime, there is not a consequential sea change which will radically alter the path of the regime towards democracy. If anything, the regime has doubled-down, on its intent, by condemning Toomaj Salehi (an extremely popular rapper and outspoken critic) to death!
In the USA, the efforts of Iranian-American activists led to the passing of the Mahsa Act.
For the Iran work of TCF, the initial project may be to help the effort towards designating the IRGC as a terrorist entity. Tentative plans have been agreed-upon.
Sunday 21 April 2024
There are many threads running through the efforts towards a democratic Iran. Currently, the regime’s actions with respect to Israel are preoccupying Iranians. Other threads include the intensified persecution of women; flooding in the province of Sistan & Balochistan, and other systemic failures in the management of Iran’s ecology; the conditions of injured protestors; the threats against, and intimidation of, activists in the diaspora; lobbying, for the Mahsa Act, by Iranian-Americans; lobbying to designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity.
Preparatory planning for the Iran work of TCF is ongoing. A restructuring of this web site was attempted, but more fundamental changes may be needed in the underlying technology. For now, the latter has been postponed, and work-arounds are being used for the interim.